1. Activation can be done through:
- special Expeditionary Callsign EX44FF;
- individual call sign of amateur radio
2. An activator through the expedition call sign EX44FF can be any citizen of both the Kyrgyz Republic and another state who is obligated to fulfill the requirements and rules.
3. An activator under an individual call sign can be any citizen of both the Kyrgyz Republic and another state with permits.
General Rules for Activating References
4. An activator who wants to work from any natural territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, whose stay REQUIRES A SPECIAL RESOLUTION OF THE AUTHORIZED BODY, must first obtain this permission independently or through the National Representative of WWFF in Kyrgyzstan. Work without a permit is prohibited and accordingly will NOT be accepted for offset.
5. Activators must fully comply with the requirements of the administration and the rules of conduct in this natural area.
6. When activated, the reference included in the EXFF, EXM or EXRL lists, all equipment (antennas, radio stations, power sources) must be located within the boundaries of the territory.
7. Only activity under the identifier (reference) of only the territory where the working position is located is allowed. In the case when there is a smaller EXFF reference on the area of a large specially protected natural area (National Park, Nature Park, zakaznik), the activation rules are as follows: when placing an activator position in the internal small reference, work is carried out under the identifier of this reference only. For the subsequent activation of the external specially protected natural area, the working position should be moved outside the internal EXFF reference, but remain within the external larger, specially protected natural area.
8. It is not allowed to work under identifiers of two or more specially protected natural territories at the same time.
9. When several EXFF references (complex EXFF expedition) are sequentially activated under one call sign, the work on the next specially protected natural area is allowed no earlier than the next day, i.e. after 00:00 UTC time (the Award Center server cannot process different references for one date) after the start of activity on the air from the previous territory.
10. When activating marine parks and territories where only a water area is a protected natural area, all equipment must be on board a marine vessel or located on the coastal territory not further than 100 meters from the edge of the protected water surface.
11. Calculated / MM activity on the EXFF program from the board of a marine vessel located in the inland water body of the natural area.
Accreditation of EXFF activity
12. For accreditation of work from the territory included in the EXFF Directory, it is necessary to provide documentary materials or copies thereof confirming activity from a specially protected natural area: entrance and authorization documents for the right to visit a specially protected natural area, travel documents, call signs of the expedition, participants’ call signs. Additionally, there are photo / video materials on which you can see the location of the camp, landscape, antennas, samples of QSL cards, GPS data, photo pointers, checkpoints, etc.
13. At the end of the expedition, it is necessary to submit the electronic log file in adif format for automatic accounting in the Green Log Search system. Failure to submit an electronic log is the basis for refusal of credit and issuing a warning about violation of the Activation rules.
14. Activation of EX territory, previously not represented on the air (EX NEW ONE), on a mandatory basis, no less than three days before the start of activity, is coordinated with the national official representative or coordinator of the EX program.
15. QSOs are calculated based on the permitted power, type of radiation and on the amateur bands in accordance with the permission of the radio amateur.
Activation Rules by means of an individual call sign of the Kyrgyz Republic
16. For citizens of other states having permission to operate a radio station of the established sample of the Kyrgyz Republic, the requirements for activations are the same as for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic.
17. Mandatory performance of the next number of radio communications from the activated territory is for an individual radar station — at least 44 QSO.
18. An activator who wishes to work from any natural territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, a stay in which DOES NOT REQUIRE A SPECIAL RESOLUTION OF THE AUTHORIZED BODY, must provide the following information to the National Representative 5 days before going on the air:
- copy of the permit;
- reference number / a and dates of planned activations with indication of QTH-locator
19. An activator who wants to work from any natural territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, a stay in which REQUIRES A SPECIAL RESOLUTION OF THE AUTHORIZED BODY and having received this permission to visit the PA should provide the National Representative 10 days before going on the air:
- a copy of the Permit;
- a copy of the special permit for visiting PAs;
- reference number / a and dates of planned activations with indication of QTH-locator;
- for a planned visit to several zones, submit a “route sheet”.
- Activation Rules via Expedition Callsign
20. Activation of references by a forwarding club call sign is carried out on the basis of the decision of the National Representative of WWFF in Kyrgyzstan.
21. The expedition participants can be both citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and citizens of other states, regardless of whether they have a personal call sign and a corresponding license.
22. For the organization of the expedition, it is necessary to contact the National Representative with a “planned expedition plan” to verify compliance with the requirements and coordinate organizational arrangements.
23. The national representative appoints the responsible person to the position of the head of the radio station and concludes an agreement with him. The head of the radio station is personally responsible for the state of the radio station and the observance of the rules. Upon completion of the expedition, the Head of the radio station provides all reporting documentation.
24. The national representative approves and approves the list of operators allowed to work on the LSR. Each operator must undergo instruction on TB and sign the journal.
25. Set-off for activation of reference for forwarding LSR is carried out for conducting radio communications from the activated territory — at least 200 QSO.
26. For offsetting personal activation of a reference, expedition members need to divide the total number of links for each reference by the number of activation applicants. Personal activation is counted in the presence of at least 44 QSO per activation member. Example: 5 activation members x 44 QSO = 220 QSO total.
In cases when the activator could not fulfill the conditions for activating the reference in accordance with the requirements, it is necessary to send an electronic log file to the address of the National Representative in adif format with radio connections from the activated reference.
In the letter, you must specify the name of the object to be activated (river, lake, fells, nature reserve, etc.) or the number of the registered reference catalogs of diploma programs, attach the QTH locator station location or GPS readings from the workplace.
The activator independently manufactures an electronic QSL card (provide one-sided design) and provides it to the sent radio links.
An amateur radio station activator has the right to continue activation in any next period and in case of accumulation of a missing number of radio communications for offsetting, the reference will be counted after the fulfillment of the requirements.
National representative of the program «World Flora and Fauna»